Monday, June 24, 2013

Has anybody tried this recipe? With vanilla cookies and Sherbet ice cream?

ice cream wafers
 on Ice Cream Wafers, a full service food supplier that ...
ice cream wafers image


Vanilla Cookies= Those Vanilla wafers that come in a yellow box that are round if you don't know.

Also with orange sherbet. Than you freeze it.

--Like you take a cookie but the ice cream in the middle
Than put a cookie on top put it on the top.

Is it good?
huh??? All I want to know if anyone tried it, or think it will be good. I don't want to try it if it will come out nasty.

it uh-maze-ing!!

girl just try the darn recipe watcha gotta lose?
it's so simple and u explained the directions yourself
if u try it and it comes out nasty then throw it away, duh!
it's not like u have to work really hard on it

just whip up any ice cream and any flavor on one
then put another over it and walla,
u have a delish snack in front of u


hope u find it as good as i did :D


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