Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Why is cookie dough ice cream ok to eat, but not cookie dough itself?

ice cream ingredients
 on Summer Ice Cream Cupcakes | the Cupcake Recipes
ice cream ingredients image

Hello ther

Like I know cookie dough is unsafe because the raw egg in the dough might be contaminated, but then why is the cookie dough in the ice cream considered ok?
And don't tell me there's no egg in the cookie dough in ice cream because I currently am eating a container of cookie dough ice cream, and the ingredients for the cookie dough part say egg e__e

Because people are not knowledgeable about that topic. Leafy greens are the number one when it comes to food illnesses, like salmonella. Heck only 3 months ago a certain companies spinach was recalled because of salmonella. Eggs you buy at the supermarket are pasteurized. Meaning the eggs are heated. They are exposed to the heat for a short time so the insides don't cook but it does kill much of the pathogens on the egg. Getting salmonella from a store egg is very low. Also salmonella lives on the outside of the egg, not in it. So eating raw egg itself won't get you sick. Only way it becomes contaminated is touching the outer shell. The egg in the ice cream is the kind you find at the store. So chances of getting sick from it are very slim. Generally when you hear people getting sick from eggs is because they didn't sanitize the shell from unpasteurized eggs.

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