Monday, September 16, 2013

What should I do for my 13th birthday party?

ice cream neon sign
 on images of ice cream logo neon sign office products wallpaper
ice cream neon sign image


My birthday is Feb. 18 and I am turning 13. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO FOR MY PARTY!! I don't want it to be expensive and I want it to be co-ed. What would be fun? Please help before I run out of time....

Ok well u can do a rave theme but, I would put my own spin on it. I would decorated the outside your bedroom (or the rooms that you are using)in hanging beads and neon paper signs that you can make. Then then you can buy glow in the dark necklaces & bracelets. At your party the only light u should use is a black light and and you should play a lot if hip hop/techno for the "club"effect without costing to much money. I used a party and it was great. Classy drinks that are non-alcoholic add a nice touch too by the way. And Here is another Idea....
A Shopping Mall Party

If you're short on funds and want to have a fun and unique 13th birthday party, have your birthday party at your local shopping mall. The girls invited to your 13th birthday will have a blast at your favorite hangouts, and you can celebrate with a pizza or anything else that sounds good. Give teens a list of items to search for, including the following:

1.One signature from a security guard
2.The name of a store in which the first letter is not capitalized
3.A magazine that has a picture of a popular music artist, actor, or actress in it
4.A free sample of something cinnamon-flavored
5.The ugliest-looking cosmetic item you can find
6.Something free from a store named after an itchy foot condition
7.A coffee sleeve from Starbucks
8.The cheapest item you can find at Claire's-get it and list the price
9.A tropical-smelling perfume sample
10.A mall directory
11.A notepad with an animal on the front cover
12.A straw with a wrapper that is not only white
13.Write something in Spanish off of a payphone
14.A picture of your entire group together
15.The tiny sample spoon you get at an ice cream store
16.A take-out menu
17.What color is the hair of the mannequin in the center of Limited Too
18.Anything from a 25 cent or 50 cent machine

You can even have a scavenger hunt if each of your friends bring a predetermined amount of money to purchase the items. Make a list of unusual but inexpensive items to purchase, and pair off into teams and have fun seeing who can find all of them before meeting in a central location at a specific time. Whoever finds the most items within the allotted amount of time wins a prize.
Hope that Helps! =D

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