Thursday, October 17, 2013

Do you have to go to the doctor right away if you think you have a yeast infection?

back to basics ice cream maker
back to basics ice cream maker image

Danielle :

Or can you just buy some vaginal medications to treat it ? Or some home remedies?

Im starting to believe that I may have a yeast infection because of this "cottage cheese" looking discharge? I'm not itching or burning or have any redness.

Pls help?

If you know that it is a yeast infection and know how to treat the problem yourself then there is no reason to see your doctor, however if there is any possibility of it being another infection or having another infection along with the yeast infection then you need to see your doctor for tests and then possibly treatment. The “cottage cheese” discharge is a common sign of a yeast infection, you don’t need to have all the symptoms, although of course if you are sexually active (not just penetrative penis to vaginal sex) then it may be an STD or it may even be another infection. I’d say that if you are not sure and don’t know much about your body then see a doctor to be sure and also I’d recommend some basic sexual health books to read – not many people know about even the basics of sexual anatomy, it’s nothing to be ashamed of, it is however something to be ashamed of if you take no interest in learning for yourself.

There are plenty of treatments you can get over the counter, Canesten cream being the better known – or you now get duo which is a cream for your vulva and vagina, also tablets to help fight the infection from the inside. There are also just creams, such as Vagasil, personally I’d say to avoid this particular brand like the plague as it’s manufacturers obviously care very little for female sexual health (their company also produces products that actually cause vaginal infections, they even have the cheek to advertise them on TV one after the other). These creams normally work very well, the problem is that they can be expensive – I’m guessing not much different from prescriptions in the US. I personally prefer the DIY route because if you know what you are doing then it is cheap and you have better control over your body, if that fails then it is time to see a doctor.

There are a few well-known and well-used home treatments;

It contains Lactobacillus acidophilus which is a bacterium that is found in healthy vaginas, it kills yeast by producing hydrogen peroxide – eating yogurt also helps in prevention of yeast infections or take pills containing acidophilus. You can just plaster this stuff in your vulva and on your vagina as much as you can, leave on overnight and clean off in the morning, a better way of doing it is to fill up a menstrual cup or softcup with yogurt, or freeze some yogurt into ice cube makers and insert. Just be sure to use PLAIN PRO-BIOTIC yogurt.
Contains an antifungal that kills off yeast, you just insert a fresh clove of garlic into your vagina – peel off the papery skin of the garlic clove but do not bruise the clove itself as this may cause irritation. Leave it for several hours at a time, like overnight, try several nights in a row until the symptoms disappear.
•Teatree oil.
This is a natural anti fungal too, but using it is a bit more difficult – normally people said to put some onto a tampon, but of course tampons cause vaginal infections like yeast infections, particularly if used when not menstruating, so it’s not the wisest idea. You can obviously put some into a menstrual cup or softcup, otherwise just washing your vulva with it a couple of times a day may help.
•Boric acid.
Load up some size 00 capsules from a pharmacy with boric acid and use these as suppositories, the heat and moister of your vagina will dissolve the capsules so releasing the boric acid. Insert two (600mg) into your vagina every night for a week, discontinue if it irritates.
•Potassium sorbate.
Potent antifungal you can buy from most home-brewing suppliers and natural food stores. Make a 3% solution by adding 8 gm (1 tablespoon) potassium sorbate to a cup of water, the idea is to use a tampon to teat but of course the risk factor is still there so again try a menstrual cup, softcup or wash your vulva with it a few times a day for a few days until the infection is gone.
•Gentian violet.
It’s a bit difficult to find, it’s a very old remedy and if you do find it then it is going to be in a pharmacy next to the iodine. You swab it all over your vagina and vulva once or twice a day for a few days – this stuff is bright purple, awesome cool but it’ll stain any nice white panties so wear all black.

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