Monday, July 22, 2013

What do I do with an almost 3 year old who adamantly refuses to even acknowledge the toilet?

ice cream toy
 on Learning Center, Mobile Vehicle Service, Ice Cream Truck: Toys & Games
ice cream toy image
Q. Well, except to flush it and throw miscellaneous items in there.

He knows diapers are for babies and the toilet is for big boys. He knows the differences between big boys and babies, etc. When anyone asks him he says he's a big boy but demands a diaper and won't sit on the toilet for anything. Not cookies, not ice cream, not a cool new toy, nothing will get him on the toilet. lol

What do you do? Just wait and hope one day he'll agree to practice using the potty?

hehe....throw some Goldfish (crackers) in the toilet and tell him to shoot the fishies :) Apparently this worked like a charm for my hard-headed brother as a child.

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