Saturday, July 13, 2013

Can home made ice cream be produced by using a sugar substitute?

cylinder ice cream scoop
 on Perfect companion to the ice cream maker
cylinder ice cream scoop image


Otherwords, is sugar required to "freeze" using the normal ingredients other than sugar itself?

You can and I have done it, I ama former chef and have a Cuisinart counter top ice cream churner, the freezable cylinder type, the one thing is with say "Splenda" in the mix is it sets up alot firmer, if you make a cooked base with or without eggs and add lighter creams not whipping/heavy cream it is abit smoother, I even made one with soya beverages and tofu that way, it was fine, but once you pack either in a carton hard freeze it, you need to allow it to temper before serving unless you have a good strong ice cream scoop, I snapped 2 plastic ones off at the handle.

If you need any more tips, let me know.

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