Saturday, May 25, 2013

why we put the salt on D road blocked due to snowfall & why icecream makers mix the salt in ice in boxes?

icecream maker
 on Ice Cream Maker
icecream maker image


Please explain why we put the common salt on the road blocked due to snowfall and icecream makers mix the salt in ice in their boxes so that the icecreams do not melt why? what is the difference in both?

When salt is mixed with a liquid, (generally) it lowers the melting point. A liquid which freezes normally at say 0 degrees, will freeze at say -2 degrees.
When salt mixed water is frozen, it freezes at a very low temp. So it takes to much heat to rise its temp, and it remains frozen for a long time.
When salt is spread on snow, it lowers the melting point.
But the temp of atmosphere is constant, so the snow melts faster, at low temp only.

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