Friday, September 13, 2013

how do you know if your ice cream has freezer burn?

ice cream freezer
 on Hit Miss Ice cream White Mountain ice cream churn.
ice cream freezer image

pea in a p

I've had my Breyer's box open for a month, I never knew ice cream gets freezer burn. But I licked some & my mouth burns & there's ice crystals on it.

If you keep your ice cream in a freezer that self defrosts, that's what's going to happen. When the freezer defrosts, it also takes the ice out of the ice cream. There may be crystals, but more often than not, it's a whole different consistency - very sticky & gooey & icky. If that's the only type of freezer you have, you might try transferring your ice cream to a Tupperware or like container - or at least keep the remaining ice cream covered with a double layer of plastic wrap inside the container.

This is why, when I was buying my freezer, I insisted on one that is NOT self-defrosting as the one in my refrigerator is. Actually I only have to defrost every 12-18 months - using a hair dryer makes it go super fast.

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