Thursday, August 8, 2013

How does a soft-serve ice cream machine work and operate?

soft ice cream machine
 on Soft Ice Cream Machine-3 - China Soft Ice Cream Machine
soft ice cream machine image

Alex E

Hi, I was wondering how a soft-serve ice cream machine works. I'm talking about the ones with the three levers that you pull down and have only three flavors. What ingredients are put in the soft-serve ice cream machine that makes it soft-serve. What is used for flavoring?After all the ingredients are put in the machine, what does the machine do to make it soft-serve? Thanks, for the help.
how do they make other flavors? the same way?

It's actually frozen yougurt. It starts out as a vanilla liquid mixture. You pour it into the machine and it freezes it at a set temperature to keep it soft. It has a chamber of chocolate syrup. When the chocolate lever is pulled, a high pressure hose is used to mix the syrup with the vanilla ice cream. When the twist lever is pulled the same thing happens but it pushes out half of the mixed and half of the plain vanilla.

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