Tuesday, June 17, 2014

What does 100g of ice cream look like?


I just ate a lot of vanilla ice cream with 190 calories per 100g. I want to know what 100g looks like. Is there a link? Or could you compare it to something for me? Eg. a tennis ball? Golf ball? iphone charger? etc...


but seriously you already ate the ice cream....no point in figuring out how many calories you consumed now...lol but I guess a weird backwards way would be t check how many servings are in the ice cream and then see what fraction of the ice cream would be that amount of calories (e.g. 190 calories/100g and theres three servings..that means if you ate about 1/3 of the ice cream then you had consumed around 100g) lol idk this is probably the laziest roundabout way to do it haha

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