Thursday, August 1, 2013

What is the difference in price of Greek yogurt and American yogurt?

price of yogurt
 on price $ 415 00 sale price $ 405 00 savings
price of yogurt image

Mary B

We are being told that Greek yogurt is superior to American yogurt and I am wondering at what cost?

Considering that the only difference is that Greek yogurt is strained while American yogurt is not - there is not much of a difference.

Greek yogurt is drier and with less water has more milk protein (and if whole) milk fat by weight. That makes it more expensive as the milk whey which is drained off is less valuable than the yogurt left behind.

American yogurt is not drained, so it'll have more whey by weight - about 33%. The value of whey is about 1/10th the value of milk. So from a raw materials standpoint, the value of Greek Yogurt is about 30% higher by weight. But there is a cost to mechanically draining the whey, what that cost is should be minimal after the cost of adding draining equipment to a yogurt vat is factored in.

Personally, I just make my own yogurt. Because it is not processed, homemade has at least 100x more active bacteria than store bought and you can get exactly the culture of bacteria you want. I use VSL3. You can even culture to 10,000x more if you like your yogurt very sour. Or make bio-active ricotta, which you can't even get at the store because of US cheese handling laws.

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