Saturday, August 3, 2013

What is the best strawberry gelato recipe you found on the internet?

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 on Cuisinart-Electric-Ice-Cream-Sorbet-Frozen-Yogurt-Maker-Machine-1-5-1 ...
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Please don't simply copy and paste recipes please, I could easily find recipes through googling, I mean what is the best strawberry ice cream or gelato recipes you have came across through the internet and if that is indeed the best for you, then you can post the recipe here, thank you :-)

There are no eggs in gelato, I make a sugar syrup, 60% sugar and 40% water, boil it for 8 minutes, cool slightly, I use both fresh and frozen strawberries, I blitz them in the blender until smooth, I strain out the seeds, now I use xanthan gum to thicken if you cannot find it, then before you finish the syrup take 2 teaspoons of cornstarch and some water and thicken the syrup to a ketchup consistency.

Once the strawberry mix has cooled, I chill it a minimum of 2-4 hours, I mix in the gum, and a mix of 3.25 % homogenized milk and a light cream, we have 5% here in Canada, in the US light cream is fine, then I process in my Gaggia ice cream maker, I bought newer one, but it works just as well in my old Cuisinart freezer cylinder model, then I process until thick and is is 90% frozen, pack it n a tub and let it hard freeze for 2-4 hours, in all this is a start in the morning ready for dinner recipe, the night before and good long chill before freezing is better, we made gelato, ice cream, sorbet/sorbeto, ices and granitas in the hotels and restaurants I was a chef in.

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