Saturday, July 6, 2013

Name a time when a parent DIDNT dicipline a child when they should?

ice cream ipod case
 on The+lion+king+3d+trailer+2011
ice cream ipod case image


have in PUBLIC and you seriously wanted to just strangle that mom or dad or both and thought to yourself, HOW CAN YOU NOT DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT? YOU LOOK SO DAM** IGNORANT!!!

There is proper parenting out there... somewhere.. I just see it rarely.

Ten points best answer.

I've got two.

I was at a Cold-Stone Creamery eating a "like it" size (the smallest they have... I can barely finish them, that ice-cream is so rich and filling!) This woman came in with a little girl, maybe 5 of 6. The little girl was screaming, singing, banging on the ice-cream case, running around the little shop and bumping into all the other customers, slapping her sticky hands on people and then banging into the walls and counter and basically behaving like a wild animal. The woman ordered herself a cup of ice cream then ordered this child... this tiny little itty bitty child... a "Gotta Have It!" size ice cream for just herself! That cup of ice-cream could feed a family of four and leave everyone feeling disgusted with themselves! Never yelled at the child... Instead, REWARDED the hyperactive child with a REDICULOUSLY UNHEALTHY amount of sugary ice-cream!!! I could NOT believe it!

The worst one was at a laundry-mat. Three women and a little four year old boy... the women were doing their laundry and I was doing mine, trying to listen to my music headphones. This child was running up and down the aisles, SCREAMING and hollering... the WHOLE TIME I was there (about an hour and a half). He was so loud I couldn't even listen to my iPod with the volume turned all the way up. He was climbing into dryer machines, slamming doors on the machines, picking things up and throwing them etc. Once in a while, one of the women would tell him to "come here!" and he would ignore her. Then... he touched the drinking fountain. Out of the blue, one woman grabbed him, hauled him up by his arm till he dangled from his shoulder and spanked him with NO EXPLANATION for why she was suddenly punishing him!! Then the kid sat with her for a bit and minutes later resumed his tirade screaming around the place. I was folding my laundry and next thing I know, this kid has hold of a push-cart and, running full-tilt, SLAMS IT INTO ME pinning me to the counter.
I screamed in pain and turned around, yelling, "HEY!" at the kid to let him know he'd hurt me.

Three angry women DESCENDED on me! "DON'T YOU YELL AT HIM! HE JUST 4! HE DON'T KNOW NO BETTA!" and I could no longer bite my tongue, still in pain from having been pinned to the counter. I said, in a low voice, "That's because nobody ever TELLS him any better!"

They spent the rest of my time there making comments about my clothes and assumptions about my sex life. (ie: "She just mad cuz she ain't got no man...")

People like that should not be allowed near children.

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