Tuesday, December 31, 2013
How do the insides of these vending machines work?
ice cream vending machine image
How does the inside of a tattoo/sticker vending machine work?
How does the inside of a lottery vending machine work?
How does the inside of a DVD rental machine work?
Better yet - check out this one:
I'm the engineer behind the pneumatic system in this machine.
I'm not about to explain how it works, but there are about 40 motors, and 500 feet of tubing that allow it to make hard scoop ice cream on the spot from the raw ingredients - takes about 40 seconds, and it's SO much better than soft serve.
Better yet - check out this one:
I'm the engineer behind the pneumatic system in this machine.
I'm not about to explain how it works, but there are about 40 motors, and 500 feet of tubing that allow it to make hard scoop ice cream on the spot from the raw ingredients - takes about 40 seconds, and it's SO much better than soft serve.
Friday, December 20, 2013
What was the name of the dixie cup ice cream from the 60s?
Friday, November 22, 2013
I just bought an ice cream maker. Anyone have any good recipes to share?
ice cream recipes image
I nned good ice cream recipes for my ice cream maker. I need web sites or recipes. Thanks to all who answer!
4 bananas
1 carton frozen strawberries
1 can chunk pineapple
6 oz. chopped pecans
1 quart half and half
1 can sweetened condensed milk
3/4 tsp. vanilla
1 small lime
Mash 3 bananas and cut the other one in (round) slices. Add the juice from one small lime. Add vanilla, half and half and the can of sweetened condensed milk. Add can of pineapple and its juice. Add the frozen strawberries and pecans. Add milk to finish filling ice cream freezer Pour into freezer and freeze as any other ice cream.
4 bananas
1 carton frozen strawberries
1 can chunk pineapple
6 oz. chopped pecans
1 quart half and half
1 can sweetened condensed milk
3/4 tsp. vanilla
1 small lime
Mash 3 bananas and cut the other one in (round) slices. Add the juice from one small lime. Add vanilla, half and half and the can of sweetened condensed milk. Add can of pineapple and its juice. Add the frozen strawberries and pecans. Add milk to finish filling ice cream freezer Pour into freezer and freeze as any other ice cream.
Saturday, November 16, 2013
What causes ice to build up on the bottom of the top shelf of a stand up ice cream freezer with glass doors?
ice cream glasses image
David B
Just wondering, because ice is building up on the bottom of my top shelves in my ice cream freezer.
I work in the frozen food department of a grocery store.
I believe it is moisture that floats to the top, collects and freezes. When people open the freezer doors and the cold air in the freezer meets the warmer air on the other side. You get moisture in a teeny tiny droplet form that rises.
Do you ever notice when you open and close the doors you see mist in and out swirling around? It floats to the top freezes, and everytime someone opens the door, this process repeats. And then the thin film of ice at the top just keeps collecting and building up til you have a layer.
You can get rid of it with warm water and a wash cloth.
I believe it is moisture that floats to the top, collects and freezes. When people open the freezer doors and the cold air in the freezer meets the warmer air on the other side. You get moisture in a teeny tiny droplet form that rises.
Do you ever notice when you open and close the doors you see mist in and out swirling around? It floats to the top freezes, and everytime someone opens the door, this process repeats. And then the thin film of ice at the top just keeps collecting and building up til you have a layer.
You can get rid of it with warm water and a wash cloth.
How to solve my ice cream machine problem?
ice cream machines image
I want a ice cream machine. But most of them have a little bowl part that needs to be put in the freezer. There is not enough room in my freezer for the bowl. How can I get an ice cream machine with out having to freeze the bowl.
U cud take stuff out of the freezer, or eat that stuff, (if its food) instead of the stuff in the refridgerator first.
U cud take stuff out of the freezer, or eat that stuff, (if its food) instead of the stuff in the refridgerator first.
Friday, November 8, 2013
What would "Santa" give a 12 year old "foodie"?
kitchenaid dessert maker image
My son is 12 and has wanted to be a chef since age 4. In recent years he asks for kitchen gadgets for Christmas.
At first it was just minor things, like cookie cutters, or candy molds, or fondant to experiment with.
Last year he asked for an ice cream maker, we got him the Cuisinart one as recommended by people here at YA, and it turned out to be an excellent machine he has used often over the year for some amazing desserts.
This year he wants a $200 Kitchen Aid food processor ;-O
We are not big into holiday commercialism and he knows it so he is really not expecting it, because we usually don't even spend $200 per child on gifts, gifts in our family are usually simple things like pjs, books, board games or art supplies.
Don't think we are going to be able to do the food processor w/financial situation this year especially (even though I would love it, too, lol!) so maybe get it for him in a year or two. I'd rather wait and get him a good one than get him a cheap one for $50 that is a pain to work with and can't do much.
Anyway... suggestions for gifts a 12 yr old could use to cook?
He cooks pretty well all by himself, he can make standard dinners (chikcen, pork chops, fish, veggies) and makes various confections and pastries (clusters, truffels, pies) and he's even gotten into some more exotic things like sushi and makes a kick-but rissoto.
I'd like to get him things for under $100 that he can use to experiement and develop his skills further as now he is really getting into an age that he can do all sorts of things in the kitchen by himself w/the knives & oven & frying oil, and he is always giving me lists of ingredients to get at the market.
We do have a grill, good knives, peelers, hand mixer, blender, steamer, pie & cake pans-- basic stuff like that you'd find in the kitchen of just about anyone who cooks on a daily basis for a family.
The kid is tall and skinny as a rail... he already has a bike.
Why assume he's fat just because he likes food? He was raised on mainly veggies (largely home-grown) and home-cooked fresh foods every day, with treats in moderation.
He has shown that he is serious and dedicated, and that this is not a flash in the pan (pun intended). That means you should get the most professional items that your budget will afford, and do NOT get the cheapo or kiddie version of something.
A mixer is out of your price range. Realize that and work within your budget. Define your budget and sit down with your son and have him think about what he wants in that price range. Maybe get three things from him so he doesn't know which you will get. Buying what he wants is better than surprising him with a poorly chosen gift.
The thing that comes to mind, if you must surprise him, is a gift certificate for King Arthur (highly recommended because of their genuine advise and choices offered to serious cooks) or William Sonoma (you have to know what is good stuff and what is hype with them), or some other professional grade cooking outlet (maybe even a industrial restaurant supplier in your town). He can choose what he wants and he can save and contribute his own money to get a bigger ticket item. Maybe do the same for his birthday and grow the kitty over time.
Be aware about the current state of name brand mixers, they pretty much all suck. In every price range there will be one good product and five worthless products- you will have to do serious homework. Hobart sold kitchenaid to whirlpool years ago and the quality haas never been there since the sellout. The name recognition is what they bank on, but 90% of kitchenaid products are landfill fodder. Even the pro models are very cheap and very underpowered. Check out King Arthurs selections of mixers and see what they recommend. A good compromise is getting a real hobart kitchenaid off ebay. These vintage mixers will run for lifetimes and are compatible with the new attachments (but, again, the older attachments are better made and cheaper on ebay).
Also browse through some cooking catalogs and websites. You could probably buy a selection of nice things. Springer pans, bread/pizza stone, sets of his own private utensils (like silicon spatulas) would fill out the space under the tree nicely. Sets of his own things will give him pride, teach him to take care of them, and be ready to take with him when he strikes out on his own (coming sooner than you realize).
Good luck and congratulations on encouraging his passion.
He has shown that he is serious and dedicated, and that this is not a flash in the pan (pun intended). That means you should get the most professional items that your budget will afford, and do NOT get the cheapo or kiddie version of something.
A mixer is out of your price range. Realize that and work within your budget. Define your budget and sit down with your son and have him think about what he wants in that price range. Maybe get three things from him so he doesn't know which you will get. Buying what he wants is better than surprising him with a poorly chosen gift.
The thing that comes to mind, if you must surprise him, is a gift certificate for King Arthur (highly recommended because of their genuine advise and choices offered to serious cooks) or William Sonoma (you have to know what is good stuff and what is hype with them), or some other professional grade cooking outlet (maybe even a industrial restaurant supplier in your town). He can choose what he wants and he can save and contribute his own money to get a bigger ticket item. Maybe do the same for his birthday and grow the kitty over time.
Be aware about the current state of name brand mixers, they pretty much all suck. In every price range there will be one good product and five worthless products- you will have to do serious homework. Hobart sold kitchenaid to whirlpool years ago and the quality haas never been there since the sellout. The name recognition is what they bank on, but 90% of kitchenaid products are landfill fodder. Even the pro models are very cheap and very underpowered. Check out King Arthurs selections of mixers and see what they recommend. A good compromise is getting a real hobart kitchenaid off ebay. These vintage mixers will run for lifetimes and are compatible with the new attachments (but, again, the older attachments are better made and cheaper on ebay).
Also browse through some cooking catalogs and websites. You could probably buy a selection of nice things. Springer pans, bread/pizza stone, sets of his own private utensils (like silicon spatulas) would fill out the space under the tree nicely. Sets of his own things will give him pride, teach him to take care of them, and be ready to take with him when he strikes out on his own (coming sooner than you realize).
Good luck and congratulations on encouraging his passion.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Hello , do the soft serve ice cream machines can make a frozen yogurt aswell?
What ever happened to the ice cream trucks? I never see them anymore. Did they disappear where you live too?

ice cream truck music box image
Maybe it's a good thing though. It's better that I walk to where the calories are than the calories come to me.
AND they sell drugs too????
I saw the Ice Cream Man last night and it was a wonderful thrill!
I'm moving into a new neighborhood and as I was onloading boxes he drove his little yellow van with the horrible music right in front of my new house!
It was a wonderful nostalgic and sentimental moment, and I just hope he comes back every night so I can chase him down with the other kids yelling "Ice Cream Man! Ice Cream Man!"
I saw the Ice Cream Man last night and it was a wonderful thrill!
I'm moving into a new neighborhood and as I was onloading boxes he drove his little yellow van with the horrible music right in front of my new house!
It was a wonderful nostalgic and sentimental moment, and I just hope he comes back every night so I can chase him down with the other kids yelling "Ice Cream Man! Ice Cream Man!"
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
How can you make a school more ecologically friendly?

kids button maker image
Q. Hi.
For a school assignment I have to create a school that is as ecologically friendly as possible. Do you have any ideas for anything. Best answer goes to the person with the most useful information.This is for a secondary school
For a school assignment I have to create a school that is as ecologically friendly as possible. Do you have any ideas for anything. Best answer goes to the person with the most useful information.This is for a secondary school
There are many ways to recycle at school.
Recycling and Reusing are the easiest ways of being ecologically friendly.
First, find an old wharehouse or large building that isn't being used instead of building a new building.
Buy only recycled paper and some of your necessary equipment for the school at recycle shops and repair shops. Try to use old things as much as you can especially things that are hard to recycle.
Buy only recycled paper for use with your computer printers, your copiers, and your fax machines.
Use both sides of paper. When you give back assignments that have only used one side of the paper, teach the students to cut up the paper into little squares, staple it together with other recyclables, and make a daily planner from it, or a homework memo pad.
Have students bring their own cups and eating ware to school so you don't have to use plastic spoons and individual milk cartons. Buy milk by the gallon instead, and pour the milk for each student.
Require all students to take the bus or to walk to school. Do not provide parking spaces for unnecessary vehicles. Ask the teachers to take the bus or to walk with the students.
Use the computer and a computer Projector to lecture the class instead of a chalkboard, whiteboard, or other devise that uses up chalk, markers, or other "trash" makers.
Ask students to take home with them their own trash. If a student uses a lot of tissue paper, then let them take it home in a reusable bag, and get homes involved in recycling.
When you use up markers, take them apart and reuse them in an art project, or find something to use them for. If you cannot, make sure you recycle the plastic.
Plant trees around the school, and have students grow their own vegitables in a garden. The school could use those vegitables to put money back into the school fund by selling them to the market if the students did a good job, and it teaches the students about the satisfaction of a well done job. Even give the students a tenth of the profit that it made.
Get rid of all paper records, and have them all done by computer backing them up on CD Roms, HD storage devices, and in the central District offices so you don't lose it all should the computer crash.
Require all students to get an email account, and allow parents access to the computer room to view student reports and newsletters if they don't have access to the internet at home.
Send all reports and communications by email unless it is urgent, then call the parents! If all else fails, try to use as little paper as necessary to communicate notes home. Perhaps have the parents buy a notes home notebook for the students, so all the notes home are organized in a file in chronilogical order, and the parents will know just how much trouble their teen had been in during that year.
Have auto sinks that only dispense water for 20 seconds, about the time that most kids spend with the water running over their hands when washing anyway. Use auto dispensing toilet paper dispensers so that a logical amount of toilet paper is given to the student to cut down on waste, and don't let it give anymore or at least a couple of minutes so the student will not keep pushing the button for more and more.
If a student has the runs, he or she shouldn't be at school anyway because how can he or she concentrate if he or she is so sick?
Have students bring their own water bottles from home. It cuts down on wasted water, and it cuts down on wasted time as the student tries to get a drink maybe even during class.
Have clothes drives to fund the theater class by providing old clothes that can be cut up or used to make costumes or whatever is needed.
Use some of that old cloth to wash windows and to use as erasers on whiteboards or chalkboards if you use them.
Have students use mechanical pencils because then you don't waste pencil lead as much, and you don't need to use so many trees for the wooden outside of the pencils.
Let students use electronic organizers to organize their assignments and meetings at school.
Use the electronic organizers to give passes to students who must leave class in the middle of lessons. Each teacher can have a secret code that changes daily, and if a student tries to use fraud, the hall monitors will know the code at any particular part of the day.
The teacher types in the memo
Teacher name
Teacher code
Give tests by computer, and you can buy those art pen programs so that the students can write their handwriting on the tests, so they don't have to know how to type.
This would be preferable so you can check the student's spelling.
Have classes about how to recycle and to live with nature rather than against it.
This is all I can think of.
There are many ways to recycle at school.
Recycling and Reusing are the easiest ways of being ecologically friendly.
First, find an old wharehouse or large building that isn't being used instead of building a new building.
Buy only recycled paper and some of your necessary equipment for the school at recycle shops and repair shops. Try to use old things as much as you can especially things that are hard to recycle.
Buy only recycled paper for use with your computer printers, your copiers, and your fax machines.
Use both sides of paper. When you give back assignments that have only used one side of the paper, teach the students to cut up the paper into little squares, staple it together with other recyclables, and make a daily planner from it, or a homework memo pad.
Have students bring their own cups and eating ware to school so you don't have to use plastic spoons and individual milk cartons. Buy milk by the gallon instead, and pour the milk for each student.
Require all students to take the bus or to walk to school. Do not provide parking spaces for unnecessary vehicles. Ask the teachers to take the bus or to walk with the students.
Use the computer and a computer Projector to lecture the class instead of a chalkboard, whiteboard, or other devise that uses up chalk, markers, or other "trash" makers.
Ask students to take home with them their own trash. If a student uses a lot of tissue paper, then let them take it home in a reusable bag, and get homes involved in recycling.
When you use up markers, take them apart and reuse them in an art project, or find something to use them for. If you cannot, make sure you recycle the plastic.
Plant trees around the school, and have students grow their own vegitables in a garden. The school could use those vegitables to put money back into the school fund by selling them to the market if the students did a good job, and it teaches the students about the satisfaction of a well done job. Even give the students a tenth of the profit that it made.
Get rid of all paper records, and have them all done by computer backing them up on CD Roms, HD storage devices, and in the central District offices so you don't lose it all should the computer crash.
Require all students to get an email account, and allow parents access to the computer room to view student reports and newsletters if they don't have access to the internet at home.
Send all reports and communications by email unless it is urgent, then call the parents! If all else fails, try to use as little paper as necessary to communicate notes home. Perhaps have the parents buy a notes home notebook for the students, so all the notes home are organized in a file in chronilogical order, and the parents will know just how much trouble their teen had been in during that year.
Have auto sinks that only dispense water for 20 seconds, about the time that most kids spend with the water running over their hands when washing anyway. Use auto dispensing toilet paper dispensers so that a logical amount of toilet paper is given to the student to cut down on waste, and don't let it give anymore or at least a couple of minutes so the student will not keep pushing the button for more and more.
If a student has the runs, he or she shouldn't be at school anyway because how can he or she concentrate if he or she is so sick?
Have students bring their own water bottles from home. It cuts down on wasted water, and it cuts down on wasted time as the student tries to get a drink maybe even during class.
Have clothes drives to fund the theater class by providing old clothes that can be cut up or used to make costumes or whatever is needed.
Use some of that old cloth to wash windows and to use as erasers on whiteboards or chalkboards if you use them.
Have students use mechanical pencils because then you don't waste pencil lead as much, and you don't need to use so many trees for the wooden outside of the pencils.
Let students use electronic organizers to organize their assignments and meetings at school.
Use the electronic organizers to give passes to students who must leave class in the middle of lessons. Each teacher can have a secret code that changes daily, and if a student tries to use fraud, the hall monitors will know the code at any particular part of the day.
The teacher types in the memo
Teacher name
Teacher code
Give tests by computer, and you can buy those art pen programs so that the students can write their handwriting on the tests, so they don't have to know how to type.
This would be preferable so you can check the student's spelling.
Have classes about how to recycle and to live with nature rather than against it.
This is all I can think of.
How to ice a cake without getting crumbs in the icing?
ices image
I'm trying to spread icing on a cake that has been cut into pieces. How can I spread the icing on the cut sides so that crumbs don't get all mixed up the icing?
First, put a very thin layer of icing on and let it set half an hour. That seals in the moisture and crumbs. It's called a "crumb coat". To do it, take ½ cup of homemade or commercial frosting and thin it down with water until it is the consistency of a glaze. It should be almost too thin to put on with a knife. It'll look something like this:
Once that crumb coat is set, you can put the rest of the icing on and the crumb coat should prevent crumbs from showing on the finished cake.
First, put a very thin layer of icing on and let it set half an hour. That seals in the moisture and crumbs. It's called a "crumb coat". To do it, take ½ cup of homemade or commercial frosting and thin it down with water until it is the consistency of a glaze. It should be almost too thin to put on with a knife. It'll look something like this:
Once that crumb coat is set, you can put the rest of the icing on and the crumb coat should prevent crumbs from showing on the finished cake.
Why does home made ice cream become hard after freezing?
cuisinart mix it in ice cream maker image
I have a cuisinart ice cream maker. Immediately after the ice cream is made it is soft, but after freezing it it becomes hard and gritty. Is it that the machine is inherently deficient or are there ingredients that the commercial makers include?
let the mix sit in the fridge over night then churn it. it sounds like you have too large ice crystals. you have to churn it first then switch to a higher speed to whip in air.
let the mix sit in the fridge over night then churn it. it sounds like you have too large ice crystals. you have to churn it first then switch to a higher speed to whip in air.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Republicans, do you think there is something morally wrong with serving two flavours of ice-creams together?
ice cream vanilla mix image
Say a chocolate and vanilla mix on 1 cone. Is there something morally wrong there? Does that go against traditional ice-cream values? Is the result an abomination and shouldn't have the same opportunity to be an ice-cream because some people are personally not comfortable with it? Does serving those two ice-creams together affect you in anyway if you don't buy it?
But why should that ice-cream flavour be treated any differently than say vanilla by itself? After all they are still flavours of ice-cream, they aren't any less of an ice-cream just because they were produced that way.
What a really horrible and miserably failed attempt to be clever.
Maybe you could try thinking outside the liberal sandbox and make a mature and rational argument in support of whatever liberal idiocy you're supporting.
What a really horrible and miserably failed attempt to be clever.
Maybe you could try thinking outside the liberal sandbox and make a mature and rational argument in support of whatever liberal idiocy you're supporting.
How do you make ice cream with an ice cream maker?
ice cream lid image
I lost the directions to my ice cream maker and I have no clue how to make ice cream. I don't know the brand but the company that makes it is Waring. Thanks in advance!
Caramel Ice Cream
•1 cup half-and-half
•1 cup heavy cream
•1/2 vanilla bean, split lengthwise
•4 egg yolks
•1/3 cup sugar
•2 tablespoons butter or margarine, cut into pieces
•1 cup sugar
•1 cup water
In a medium saucepan combine half and half, heavy cream and vanilla bean and bring to a boil over medium heat.
Remove from heat.
Cover and let stand for at least 15 minutes.
Beat egg yolks with sugar in mixing bowl until thick and lemon colored.
Whisk in 1/3 of the scaled cream.
Return mixture to saucepan.
Place saucepan over medium heat and cook for 5 minutes or until mixture thickens.
Remove from heat.
Stir in butter pieces, one at a time, blending well after each addition.
Let cool to room temp.
And then cover and refrigerate for at least 4 hours or up to 3 days.
While custard is cooling make caramel syrup.
To make syrup: combine sugar and 1/3 cup water in small saucepan and bring to a boil.
Cover and let steam one minute.
Remove lid and continue cooking until mixture caramelizes to a dark tea color.
Remove from heat.
Add remaining water slowly (be careful mixture will spatter) and stir.
Cover and let cool to room temp.
Remove vanilla bean from custard, scraping any seeds into custard mixture.
Stir syrup into custard.
Can be refrigerated again at this point before making ice cream.
Transfer to ice cream maker and process using manufacturer's instructions.
Ingredients: Peach Ice Cream
•2 cups heavy cream
•5 egg yolks
•1 cup sugar
•1 teaspoon vanilla extract
•1 1/2 lbs peaches, juicy, ripe, very aromatic (otherwise this recipe is a waste of time)
•1 1/2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice (not reconstituted!)
•3 tablespoons sugar
Heat cream in a pan until almost boiling; remove from heat.
Beat or whisk egg yolks, sugar and vanilla extract in a medium bowl until thick and pale; gradually add the hot cream, beating constantly; return mixture to pan; stir over low heat 5 minutes or until mixture thickens; do not let boil; pour into a bowl, place a piece of plastic wrap directly on surface to prevent skin from forming, and leave to cool.
Peel and chop peaches into pieces; place in a food processor with lemon juice and 2 tblsps sugar and puree; stir into the custard; process in ice cream maker according to manufacturer’s instructions.
Ingredients: Vanilla Custard Ice Cream
•1 cup whole milk
•1/2 cup sugar
•1 dash salt
•2 egg yolks, lightly beaten
•2 cups heavy cream
•2 teaspoons vanilla extract
Place milk in a small pan and heat over low heat until bubbles form, and milk becomes hot; add sugar and salt, stirring to dissolve.
Remove from heat and add 1-2 tbsp of the hot milk to the egg yolks, mixing well; add more milk to eggs and bring it up to temperature.
Pour egg mixture back into pan and continue to cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until it starts to thicken and reaches 160 degrees (use a thermometer to measure), about 10-12 minutes.
Place the pan in a sink or basin full of ice water to cool down, continuing to stir.
When custard is just barely warm, stir in the cream and vanilla.
Refrigerate mixture until ready to use.
Just prior to making, pour through strainer into the ice cream maker and follow your appliances instructions for operating.
Note: Due to differences in operating times on various machines, that is not included in the prep time.
Strawberry Ice Cream
6 tablespoons flour
3 cups sugar, divided
1 teaspoon salt
4 cups milk
6 eggs
1 1/ pints fresh strawberries
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
4 cups half & half cream
2 tablespoons pure vanilla extract
Dash red food coloring (optional)
Crushed Ice
Rock Salt
** Whole milk, half & half cream, and/or low-fat condensed milk may be used to lower the calories (these substitutions may effect how creamy your ice cream will turn out).
In a heavy 3-quart saucepan, combine flour, 2 cups sugar, and salt until well blended (I wire whisk works great). Blend in milk and eggs until well blended. Over medium-low heat, cook, stirring constantly, until the mixture (custard) thickens and will coat the back of a metal spoon with a thin film, approximately 7 to 10 minutes. On your instant-read cooking thermometer, the temperature should reach between 165 and 180 degrees F. NOTE: Do not let the mixture boil or it will curdle. If, of course by accident, your custard base does curdle, immediately remove from heat and place in a blender; process until smooth.
Remove from heat and let custard cool. Cover and refrigerate until thoroughly chilled, at least 2 hours but ideally for 24 hours. NOTE: Cool quickly by setting pan in ice or cold water and stirring for a few minutes. This aging process
Caramel Ice Cream
•1 cup half-and-half
•1 cup heavy cream
•1/2 vanilla bean, split lengthwise
•4 egg yolks
•1/3 cup sugar
•2 tablespoons butter or margarine, cut into pieces
•1 cup sugar
•1 cup water
In a medium saucepan combine half and half, heavy cream and vanilla bean and bring to a boil over medium heat.
Remove from heat.
Cover and let stand for at least 15 minutes.
Beat egg yolks with sugar in mixing bowl until thick and lemon colored.
Whisk in 1/3 of the scaled cream.
Return mixture to saucepan.
Place saucepan over medium heat and cook for 5 minutes or until mixture thickens.
Remove from heat.
Stir in butter pieces, one at a time, blending well after each addition.
Let cool to room temp.
And then cover and refrigerate for at least 4 hours or up to 3 days.
While custard is cooling make caramel syrup.
To make syrup: combine sugar and 1/3 cup water in small saucepan and bring to a boil.
Cover and let steam one minute.
Remove lid and continue cooking until mixture caramelizes to a dark tea color.
Remove from heat.
Add remaining water slowly (be careful mixture will spatter) and stir.
Cover and let cool to room temp.
Remove vanilla bean from custard, scraping any seeds into custard mixture.
Stir syrup into custard.
Can be refrigerated again at this point before making ice cream.
Transfer to ice cream maker and process using manufacturer's instructions.
Ingredients: Peach Ice Cream
•2 cups heavy cream
•5 egg yolks
•1 cup sugar
•1 teaspoon vanilla extract
•1 1/2 lbs peaches, juicy, ripe, very aromatic (otherwise this recipe is a waste of time)
•1 1/2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice (not reconstituted!)
•3 tablespoons sugar
Heat cream in a pan until almost boiling; remove from heat.
Beat or whisk egg yolks, sugar and vanilla extract in a medium bowl until thick and pale; gradually add the hot cream, beating constantly; return mixture to pan; stir over low heat 5 minutes or until mixture thickens; do not let boil; pour into a bowl, place a piece of plastic wrap directly on surface to prevent skin from forming, and leave to cool.
Peel and chop peaches into pieces; place in a food processor with lemon juice and 2 tblsps sugar and puree; stir into the custard; process in ice cream maker according to manufacturer’s instructions.
Ingredients: Vanilla Custard Ice Cream
•1 cup whole milk
•1/2 cup sugar
•1 dash salt
•2 egg yolks, lightly beaten
•2 cups heavy cream
•2 teaspoons vanilla extract
Place milk in a small pan and heat over low heat until bubbles form, and milk becomes hot; add sugar and salt, stirring to dissolve.
Remove from heat and add 1-2 tbsp of the hot milk to the egg yolks, mixing well; add more milk to eggs and bring it up to temperature.
Pour egg mixture back into pan and continue to cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until it starts to thicken and reaches 160 degrees (use a thermometer to measure), about 10-12 minutes.
Place the pan in a sink or basin full of ice water to cool down, continuing to stir.
When custard is just barely warm, stir in the cream and vanilla.
Refrigerate mixture until ready to use.
Just prior to making, pour through strainer into the ice cream maker and follow your appliances instructions for operating.
Note: Due to differences in operating times on various machines, that is not included in the prep time.
Strawberry Ice Cream
6 tablespoons flour
3 cups sugar, divided
1 teaspoon salt
4 cups milk
6 eggs
1 1/ pints fresh strawberries
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
4 cups half & half cream
2 tablespoons pure vanilla extract
Dash red food coloring (optional)
Crushed Ice
Rock Salt
** Whole milk, half & half cream, and/or low-fat condensed milk may be used to lower the calories (these substitutions may effect how creamy your ice cream will turn out).
In a heavy 3-quart saucepan, combine flour, 2 cups sugar, and salt until well blended (I wire whisk works great). Blend in milk and eggs until well blended. Over medium-low heat, cook, stirring constantly, until the mixture (custard) thickens and will coat the back of a metal spoon with a thin film, approximately 7 to 10 minutes. On your instant-read cooking thermometer, the temperature should reach between 165 and 180 degrees F. NOTE: Do not let the mixture boil or it will curdle. If, of course by accident, your custard base does curdle, immediately remove from heat and place in a blender; process until smooth.
Remove from heat and let custard cool. Cover and refrigerate until thoroughly chilled, at least 2 hours but ideally for 24 hours. NOTE: Cool quickly by setting pan in ice or cold water and stirring for a few minutes. This aging process
How can I become a market maker on the New York stock exchange?
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How Can I get a job as a market maker?
Do I need an MBA?
I want to get a bachelors degree in an engineering discipline.
The easiest way to become a market maker is to buy (or rent) an exchange membership (cost around $300,000), find a brokerage firm or clearing firm that will clear your trades (need deposit of $100,000);
register with the SEC as a dealer (legal work cost about $1000), deposit sufficient trading capital ($250,000) and hire an independent accounting firm to audit and attest to your numbers.
Unless you have years of brokerage experience no firm will hire some one as a floor trader since there are many with some type of industry experience are waiting to move down on the floor..
No one cares what degree you have or don't have as long as you have industry experience.
There is nothing in the academic world that prepares one to be a floor trader, let alone a market maker.
Try finding a job with a major brokerage firm or a firm that has a floor operations. Take any job the firm has, and it will not be as a trader. You need securities industry experience, if not in the trading areas you can also try to get into stock loan,. P&S, cashiering. You can also start as gopher in an in-house trading room,. Take any job in the industry to work your way to the floor.
With summer coming, you may be find temp jobs in the industry.
To be a trader you need to be a good investor, so start reading Investing for Dummies by Eric Tyson
In the meantime, learn all you can about the markets and how securities are traded. Here's some books you should consider
Bulls Make Money, Bears Make Money, Pigs Get Slaughtered, by Gallea
How to Trade in Stocks, Jesse Livermore
Millionaire Traders, Lein & Schlosberg
One Up on Wall Street by Peter Lynch
Reminiscences of a Stock Operator, Edwin Lefevre
The Disciplined Trader, Mark Douglas
Trader Vic-Methods of a Wall Street Master, Victor Sperandeo
Trader Vic II-Principles of Professional Speculation, Victor Sperandeo
Trading for a Living, by Alexander Elder
Trading in the Zone, Mark Douglas
All successful traders have addressed four major policies and have very strong discipline to follow them
1 - You need a written sound trading/investment plan with rules that will not only help you but more importantly protect you, mostly from yourself. Always use stops either to protect you on the down side or to lock in profits on the up side. Never trade on emotions, when emotions get involved walk away. Don’t try to out-smart the market, you’ll loose but if you always take what the market is willing to give you, you’ll be successful. Other words, you don’t trade against the trend since the market is always right. And NEVER trade on emotions, once you let emotions in your trades you will loose
2 - A written money management program is essential. Remember never invest 100% of your capital into any one security and never have 100% of your capital invested. Never go into a trade without knowing when and where you are going to get out of it. Never let a loss on a trade get greater than 8%-10%, always take you loss and walk away - don't loose more than you need to and don't be afraid to take the loss. Remember you never can get hurt taking a profit. Never average down, but you can average up.
3 - You must have sufficient trading/investment capital. Use your own money, there’s no need to go into debt so that you can trade and/or invest. Margin can be used but only with restraints, never let the account wall below 45% equity. Unless you fully understand margins you should not use it.
4 – A full and complete understanding of the rules & regulations of the industry. If your going to play in the game be sure you know the rules of the game and always follow them.
Unless you are willing to study and follow the above you will never make it as a trader. To be successful as a trader it takes work and constant study of the markets and the products traded in those markets, there is no easy way.
The easiest way to become a market maker is to buy (or rent) an exchange membership (cost around $300,000), find a brokerage firm or clearing firm that will clear your trades (need deposit of $100,000);
register with the SEC as a dealer (legal work cost about $1000), deposit sufficient trading capital ($250,000) and hire an independent accounting firm to audit and attest to your numbers.
Unless you have years of brokerage experience no firm will hire some one as a floor trader since there are many with some type of industry experience are waiting to move down on the floor..
No one cares what degree you have or don't have as long as you have industry experience.
There is nothing in the academic world that prepares one to be a floor trader, let alone a market maker.
Try finding a job with a major brokerage firm or a firm that has a floor operations. Take any job the firm has, and it will not be as a trader. You need securities industry experience, if not in the trading areas you can also try to get into stock loan,. P&S, cashiering. You can also start as gopher in an in-house trading room,. Take any job in the industry to work your way to the floor.
With summer coming, you may be find temp jobs in the industry.
To be a trader you need to be a good investor, so start reading Investing for Dummies by Eric Tyson
In the meantime, learn all you can about the markets and how securities are traded. Here's some books you should consider
Bulls Make Money, Bears Make Money, Pigs Get Slaughtered, by Gallea
How to Trade in Stocks, Jesse Livermore
Millionaire Traders, Lein & Schlosberg
One Up on Wall Street by Peter Lynch
Reminiscences of a Stock Operator, Edwin Lefevre
The Disciplined Trader, Mark Douglas
Trader Vic-Methods of a Wall Street Master, Victor Sperandeo
Trader Vic II-Principles of Professional Speculation, Victor Sperandeo
Trading for a Living, by Alexander Elder
Trading in the Zone, Mark Douglas
All successful traders have addressed four major policies and have very strong discipline to follow them
1 - You need a written sound trading/investment plan with rules that will not only help you but more importantly protect you, mostly from yourself. Always use stops either to protect you on the down side or to lock in profits on the up side. Never trade on emotions, when emotions get involved walk away. Don’t try to out-smart the market, you’ll loose but if you always take what the market is willing to give you, you’ll be successful. Other words, you don’t trade against the trend since the market is always right. And NEVER trade on emotions, once you let emotions in your trades you will loose
2 - A written money management program is essential. Remember never invest 100% of your capital into any one security and never have 100% of your capital invested. Never go into a trade without knowing when and where you are going to get out of it. Never let a loss on a trade get greater than 8%-10%, always take you loss and walk away - don't loose more than you need to and don't be afraid to take the loss. Remember you never can get hurt taking a profit. Never average down, but you can average up.
3 - You must have sufficient trading/investment capital. Use your own money, there’s no need to go into debt so that you can trade and/or invest. Margin can be used but only with restraints, never let the account wall below 45% equity. Unless you fully understand margins you should not use it.
4 – A full and complete understanding of the rules & regulations of the industry. If your going to play in the game be sure you know the rules of the game and always follow them.
Unless you are willing to study and follow the above you will never make it as a trader. To be successful as a trader it takes work and constant study of the markets and the products traded in those markets, there is no easy way.
Where can I learn to make tea like the Chinese and tibetans?
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I want to taste and drink them.Butter tea sounds good and I think the green tea I think is what is good.I also want white tea.Western tea is great but I want to try these others
From the mist-shrouded mountains of China comes a new and exciting tea - white tea. The Chinese have enjoyed white tea for over a thousand years, but only recently has the rest of the world become aware of this secret brew.
It has been the privilege of the rich, and the downfall of an emperor.
Journey with us as we explore the beauty and mystery that is white tea.
What Is White Tea?
What makes it so special? Simply put, white tea is the least processed form of tea, made of beautiful silver buds and select leaves which have been steamed and dried.
Because of its minimal processing, white tea contains more nutrients than its black or green cousins, making it the mightiest of the teas, the ultimate Health Tea.
The Color And Taste Of White Tea
Rare, striking in appearance, and pleasant tasting, white tea gets its name from the fine silvery white hairs on the unopened buds of the tea plant. The highest quality white tea, Silver Needle, consists only of these buds and is beautiful to behold.
The brew has a light, delicate, slightly sweet flavor that sharpens the senses without overwhelming the tongue.
It has less caffeine than black or green tea, and far less than coffee, making it an excellent choice for those wishing to reduce caffeine.
Exploring White Tea
Come with us as we delve into white tea lore, including its history, production, health benefits, and varieties, along with tips for how to maximize your enjoyment of white tea.
More and more people are discovering the joy and pleasure of this ancient and sublime drink. Welcome to the world of white tea.
White Tea Snow Sorbet
Makes about 1 quart
This "snow" is excellent as either a dessert or a palate refresher between courses. This recipe is based on water, so if your tap water is not pure and qood-tastinq, use spring water, if you use a traditional budset white tea, this is a full 1/2, cup gently packed; if you use a new-style leaf white tea, this is a heaping, well-packed 1/2 cup (see "White Teas" in chapter 3 of the book for information about the different types).
Garnish the sorbet with candied citrus peel, chopped crystallised ginger, a simple crisp cookie such as a crêpe dentelle, or a thin square of dark chocolate.
* 1-1/2 cups plus 2 cups cold water
* 2 cups sugar
* 1/2 ounce (14 grams) white tea leaves
* Freshly squeezed juice of 1/2 lemon (or 1 lime)
In a teakettle or saucepan over high heat, bring 1-1/2 cups of the water to a boil, then remove from the heat and let cool to 165 degrees F (74 degrees C), about 7 minutes. Combine the remaining 2 cups water and the sugar in a heavy saucepan over medium-high heat. Bring to a boil and simmer gently, uncovered, for 1 to 2 minutes, to completely dissolve the sugar. Pour the mixture into a 1-quart measuring cup and set aside to cool.
Steep the tea leaves in the 165 degrees F (74 degrees C) water, covered, for 3 minutes. Pour the brewed tea liquor through a strainer, reserving it and the budsets or leaf tea, and let both rest for 1 to 2 minutes. Recombine the once-brewed tea liquor with the budsets or leaf and steep again, covered, for a full 5 minutes.
Strain the twice-brewed tea liquor into the sugar syrup, and stir in the lemon juice. Cover and let chill in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours or up to overnight. (Chilling longer than 4 hours improves the texture.)
Pour the mixture into an ice-cream maker and freeze according to the manufacturer's instructions. Serve immediately or transfer to an airtight container and store in the freezer for up to 3 days. This snow melts rapidly, so scoop and serve quickly in chilled bowls.
From the mist-shrouded mountains of China comes a new and exciting tea - white tea. The Chinese have enjoyed white tea for over a thousand years, but only recently has the rest of the world become aware of this secret brew.
It has been the privilege of the rich, and the downfall of an emperor.
Journey with us as we explore the beauty and mystery that is white tea.
What Is White Tea?
What makes it so special? Simply put, white tea is the least processed form of tea, made of beautiful silver buds and select leaves which have been steamed and dried.
Because of its minimal processing, white tea contains more nutrients than its black or green cousins, making it the mightiest of the teas, the ultimate Health Tea.
The Color And Taste Of White Tea
Rare, striking in appearance, and pleasant tasting, white tea gets its name from the fine silvery white hairs on the unopened buds of the tea plant. The highest quality white tea, Silver Needle, consists only of these buds and is beautiful to behold.
The brew has a light, delicate, slightly sweet flavor that sharpens the senses without overwhelming the tongue.
It has less caffeine than black or green tea, and far less than coffee, making it an excellent choice for those wishing to reduce caffeine.
Exploring White Tea
Come with us as we delve into white tea lore, including its history, production, health benefits, and varieties, along with tips for how to maximize your enjoyment of white tea.
More and more people are discovering the joy and pleasure of this ancient and sublime drink. Welcome to the world of white tea.
White Tea Snow Sorbet
Makes about 1 quart
This "snow" is excellent as either a dessert or a palate refresher between courses. This recipe is based on water, so if your tap water is not pure and qood-tastinq, use spring water, if you use a traditional budset white tea, this is a full 1/2, cup gently packed; if you use a new-style leaf white tea, this is a heaping, well-packed 1/2 cup (see "White Teas" in chapter 3 of the book for information about the different types).
Garnish the sorbet with candied citrus peel, chopped crystallised ginger, a simple crisp cookie such as a crêpe dentelle, or a thin square of dark chocolate.
* 1-1/2 cups plus 2 cups cold water
* 2 cups sugar
* 1/2 ounce (14 grams) white tea leaves
* Freshly squeezed juice of 1/2 lemon (or 1 lime)
In a teakettle or saucepan over high heat, bring 1-1/2 cups of the water to a boil, then remove from the heat and let cool to 165 degrees F (74 degrees C), about 7 minutes. Combine the remaining 2 cups water and the sugar in a heavy saucepan over medium-high heat. Bring to a boil and simmer gently, uncovered, for 1 to 2 minutes, to completely dissolve the sugar. Pour the mixture into a 1-quart measuring cup and set aside to cool.
Steep the tea leaves in the 165 degrees F (74 degrees C) water, covered, for 3 minutes. Pour the brewed tea liquor through a strainer, reserving it and the budsets or leaf tea, and let both rest for 1 to 2 minutes. Recombine the once-brewed tea liquor with the budsets or leaf and steep again, covered, for a full 5 minutes.
Strain the twice-brewed tea liquor into the sugar syrup, and stir in the lemon juice. Cover and let chill in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours or up to overnight. (Chilling longer than 4 hours improves the texture.)
Pour the mixture into an ice-cream maker and freeze according to the manufacturer's instructions. Serve immediately or transfer to an airtight container and store in the freezer for up to 3 days. This snow melts rapidly, so scoop and serve quickly in chilled bowls.
How can I keep my homemade ice cream from melting immediately?
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I have a small electric ice cream maker (where you freeze the bowl) and it makes wonderful ice cream but as soon as you dish it into bowls it starts to melt and before you can walk into the other room to serve it it is already half milk again. Is there anything I can add to keep my ice cream from melting so fast? I am using goats milk with no added cream.
Put the bowls in the freezer for a bit before putting icecream into them, or, put the made icecream into the freezer before serving it as opposed to serving it immediately. Of course, I find it's much more satisfying to eat it immediately and deal with the partial melt. Oh, and add fresh strawberry slices. =D
Put the bowls in the freezer for a bit before putting icecream into them, or, put the made icecream into the freezer before serving it as opposed to serving it immediately. Of course, I find it's much more satisfying to eat it immediately and deal with the partial melt. Oh, and add fresh strawberry slices. =D
How to get over a broken heart?
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my ex boyfriend & I broke up about 3 months ago & I miss him like crazy. I sleep with his hoodie & cry myself to sleep every night.. how do I make the pain go away?? I love him so much & will do anything for him.
First, give everything you own about him, RIGHT BACK. Including his jacket and anything that reminds you of him. If you want to move on, you can't have any memories of him.
Second, BE HAPPY! Stop thinking about him, it'll probably just bring you down. Do something you love to do. If it's photography, take some pictures. Music? Dance or sing...OR BOTH! Only happy and uplifting music.. If you like to draw, draw things that make you happy or things you love to draw, as long as it has nothing to do with your ex.
Third, chances are you're young. Go hang out with some friends. Have a great time. Talk on the phone all night with them. LAUGH A LITTLE... OR A LOT! Have fun!
Fourth, eat ANYTHING you want. If you're on a diet, who cares? If you want some chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, cookie dough, Oreo, and M&M ice cream.... GO GET SOME! Put all the chocolate syrup you want, put as much whipped cream as you need, put all the candy and sprinkles you crave! Eat a whole bag of your favorite chips. Buy some pizza with your favorite toppings. Eat whatever you want.
Fifth, SHOPPING! No matter what type of girl you are, you must love shopping. Whether you're goth and you love shipping for black stuff, or you're girly and you NEED more heels. It's always fun shopping. And hell, do it with some friends! If you don't have money for shopping, just go to the beach or have a sleepover.
Sixth, get pretty. REALLY pretty. Then just go out and do whatever you want. But make sure you stand out and look so gorgeous, people must stop and stare. Don't feel like going out? Then just takes tons of pictures of yourself (looking happy and gorgeous) then post them for all your friends to see how happy you are now. Whether it's Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, or Twitter... Everyone should see.
Seventh, be confident about yourself. If you don't feel better, how do you expect to get better?
It will take some time, but if you really want the pain to go, you would do it.
And don't worry, I'm not some old adult trying to give advice. I'm a teen in high school,who of course went through break ups. But after I did all of these, I found someone who I've been with for over a year :) I hope it works for you and that you find someone to make you even happier than the last one.
Good luck :)
First, give everything you own about him, RIGHT BACK. Including his jacket and anything that reminds you of him. If you want to move on, you can't have any memories of him.
Second, BE HAPPY! Stop thinking about him, it'll probably just bring you down. Do something you love to do. If it's photography, take some pictures. Music? Dance or sing...OR BOTH! Only happy and uplifting music.. If you like to draw, draw things that make you happy or things you love to draw, as long as it has nothing to do with your ex.
Third, chances are you're young. Go hang out with some friends. Have a great time. Talk on the phone all night with them. LAUGH A LITTLE... OR A LOT! Have fun!
Fourth, eat ANYTHING you want. If you're on a diet, who cares? If you want some chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, cookie dough, Oreo, and M&M ice cream.... GO GET SOME! Put all the chocolate syrup you want, put as much whipped cream as you need, put all the candy and sprinkles you crave! Eat a whole bag of your favorite chips. Buy some pizza with your favorite toppings. Eat whatever you want.
Fifth, SHOPPING! No matter what type of girl you are, you must love shopping. Whether you're goth and you love shipping for black stuff, or you're girly and you NEED more heels. It's always fun shopping. And hell, do it with some friends! If you don't have money for shopping, just go to the beach or have a sleepover.
Sixth, get pretty. REALLY pretty. Then just go out and do whatever you want. But make sure you stand out and look so gorgeous, people must stop and stare. Don't feel like going out? Then just takes tons of pictures of yourself (looking happy and gorgeous) then post them for all your friends to see how happy you are now. Whether it's Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, or Twitter... Everyone should see.
Seventh, be confident about yourself. If you don't feel better, how do you expect to get better?
It will take some time, but if you really want the pain to go, you would do it.
And don't worry, I'm not some old adult trying to give advice. I'm a teen in high school,who of course went through break ups. But after I did all of these, I found someone who I've been with for over a year :) I hope it works for you and that you find someone to make you even happier than the last one.
Good luck :)
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